15 февр. 2018 г.

Spacebirds - Galactic Crossroads 2010 (Remastered Re-release 2018)

Re-release of classic EP 2010 of Spacebirds Band. With New Cover and Remastered tracks.
Catalog: [lv004-R]
Release name: GALACTIC CROSSROADS. V. 2 (Remastered)
Country: Russia
Style: Synthpop, Synthwave, Synth Disco, Synthdance
First Release date: 2010-11-11
Re-Mastered Re-Release: 2018-02-15
Tracklist Note: The 2010 version consists of 5 tracks. The release includes the song 'Starlords'. This version of the EP only available in MP3 format.

All tracks composed, created and performed by Spacebirds.
Recorded: July-October 2010 at White Art Studio.

Buy & Downloads:

Bandcamp (Remastered 2018)
Archive.org (2010 mp3 version)

1. Galactic Crossroads (7:12)
2. Spaceship Lab (4:34)
3. Space Runaway (3:26)
4. The Sands Of Mars (6:24)

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